American Airlines SOCC
Friday, November 6, 2009
What does an ADX do?
Approximately over 2,000 U.S. dispatchers play a major role in keeping pilots from flying into turbulence, volcanic ash and thunderstorms. They save them from running out of fuel or arriving at airports where runways are icy. They serve as the pilots' eyes and ears and plan flights from start to finish. The pilot is in charge of the aircraft, and the dispatcher is in charge of the flight. But the captain has full authority over all crew members.
Like mechanics and pilots, dispatchers are licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Their employment by major and regional airlines in the U.S. is required by law. Federal regulation created the job in 1938. A plane never leaves the ground until both captain and dispatcher are in agreement. If a dispatcher is troubled about visibility at the destination, or a pilot doesn't like the malfunctioning component in the cockpit, even though it is legal fly with, the flight doesn't go. When the plane is in the air -- following the flight plan the dispatcher has designed -- the dispatcher tracks it, keeping an eye on weather conditions the plane is approaching. Dispatchers also watch the conditions at the destination airport, and at the alternate airports where the plane could be put down in an emergency. They can suggest a pilot to divert or reroute the plane and are responsible for operational control of the flight. When a pilot radios in that he has a sick flight attendant or an unruly passenger, the first person he speaks to is the dispatcher. A dispatcher's job can be very stressful, especially when the weather is bad. But dispatch jobs are coveted because they bring plenty of responsibility, fast-paced work that changes constantly. For some airlines they have to undergo psychological evaluations prior to being selected.
Dispatchers have to attend initial training at an FAA-certified school, then pass a written test and an oral exam equivalent to that of an airline pilot. Once they are employed by an airline, some airlines start them as assistant dispatchers, working under the guidance of a licensed dispatcher. After a year or more when they graduate to actual dispatcher duties, they must pass another FAA check. Recurrent training consists of 20 hours of classroom instructions annually and spending at least five hours observing an actual flight from the cockpit flying over planned routes.Dispatchers are just as knowledgeable as pilots and also are intimately familiar with aircraft systems , maintenance manuals and emergency checklists, meteorological charts, air-ground radio systems, the air-traffic control system and runway layouts at hundreds of airports.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Dispatcher Resources
Exams4Pilots - Practice FAA Exams Site
Resources on Sheffield
Skyvector.com - Aeronautical charts/sectionals
Aircraft Icing Training Courses - NASA
ThirtyThousandFeet.com - Aviation Directory
Whitt's Flying - A compilation of information for pilots
Resources on BruceAir
Finerpoints - training videos
Terminal Procedures.com
AOPA Links:
AOPA's Handbook for Pilots (members only)
Flight Planner - AOPA
Flight Safety Courses -AOPA
Airspace Flash Cards
FAA Links:
Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS)
FAA Aeronautical Information Manual
Federal Aviation Administration Library
Federal Meteorological Handbooks
More links to resources hosted by the FAA
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (Canada)
Aviation Consumer Protection
iPhone Apps for Pilots
FlightAware.com - Live flight tracking
Aviation Blogs
Thursday, June 11, 2009
§ 121.533 Responsibility for operational control: Domestic operations.
a) Each certificate holder conducting domestic operations is responsible for operational control.
(b) The pilot in command and the aircraft dispatcher are jointly responsible for the preflight planning, delay, and dispatch release of a flight in compliance with this chapter and operations specifications.
(c) The aircraft dispatcher is responsible for—
(1) Monitoring the progress of each flight;
(2) Issuing necessary information for the safety of the flight; and
(3) Cancelling or redispatching a flight if, in his opinion or the opinion of the pilot in command, the flight cannot operate or continue to operate safely as planned or released.
(d) Each pilot in command of an aircraft is, during flight time, in command of the aircraft and crew and is responsible for the safety of the passengers, crewmembers, cargo, and airplane.
(e) Each pilot in command has full control and authority in the operation of the aircraft, without limitation, over other crewmembers and their duties during flight time, whether or not he holds valid certificates authorizing him to perform the duties of those crewmembers.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) : Type in the code (example: 121.533) to lookup the FAR
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Flight dispatcher job duties
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What exactly does an airline dispatcher do?
Duties of a dispatcher from a pilot's perspective.
(A column from usatoday.com)
Question: I enjoy reading your column every week. My background includes work in both domestic and international airline operations. Could you offer an overview and/or description of a flight dispatcher from a pilot's point of view? Passengers are rarely aware that at every given moment, every commercial flight is tracked by an FAA licensed dispatcher on the ground. — John Matthews, ExpressJet Dispatch, Houston
Answer: From my own perspective a dispatcher is an overseer of all that goes on in a flight from the planning stage to the completion of the flight — a flight planner who takes into consideration such things as the maintenance status of the aircraft. For instance, with certain non-mandatory systems disabled, my cruising altitude may be lower than normal today. Therefore I'll burn extra fuel. I may be flying in poor weather instead of above it, or may be routed out of my way to avoid conditions I could have otherwise topped.
Or maybe my radar is not functioning (a rare occurrence these days). There's no picking my way through a line of storms today.Perhaps my deicing system isn't 100%. There's no flying in icing conditions for me until it's fixed.Dispatch considers such factors — ranging from weather to potential non-routine problems like volcanic ash— en route.Winds aloft — the best tailwind or the least headwind — are considered along with air-traffic control's preference in routing, based to traffic. Turbulence forecasts may dictate a non-standard route.
Anything that could affect my flight is considered by the flight's dispatcher.
Here is how it happens:
• The dispatcher works up a flight plan.
• The captain either signs it or modifies it — signing it perhaps after a discussion with the dispatcher.
• Signed, the flight plan is considered a contract between the captain and the dispatcher for the safe operation of that flight.
Once enroute, dispatch is our "one-stop shopping" source if things go wrong or if we just want information beyond what is available through data-link requests, which are similar to e-mail.
The dispatcher can arrange conference calls via radio or by satellite datalink if we're over the ocean, patching us through to a doctor, maintenance facility or security specialist.
When we're enroute, dispatchers are capable of visually monitoring the flights for which they are responsible. They do this via a feed from air-traffic control. The part of the world they want to watch can be isolated and monitored on a desktop computer. This allows the dispatcher to keep an eye on the plane along with flights from other carriers; he or she can also monitor things such as flow rates into airports and alternate routes when weather becomes a problem.
As one dispatcher puts it: "It's almost like an over-the-shoulder look at ATC [air traffic control] without having to call them." This comes in handy when, for instance, an EFC (Expect Further Clearance) time has been issued for a holding pattern. When we hold, an estimate of when we can expect to exit holding and head for the airport is always part of the process. With this flight monitoring capability, dispatchers pretty much can tell whether the initial estimate will stand or whether it will change for better or for worse.
In addition, ATC issues a graph so dispatchers know hour by hour whether an airport will exceed its capacity. A "route trace" may be put on a flight to see whether ATC is issuing delay vectors or whether the flight has entered a holding pattern. When pilots enter a holding pattern they let their dispatcher know. However, just by the pattern on their monitor, the dispatcher may know a plane is in holding even before the pilot relays the information. This lets dispatchers anticipate the pilots' requests for information, such as the best alternate airport or weather conditions.
If enroute we have a medical emergency, weather diversion, mechanical problem or other issue, the captain will decide, with help available from dispatch and the airline's on-call doctor, where to divert the flight.
Although we carry manuals with us which contain lists of airports suitable specifically for medical or other types of diversions, we communicate with dispatch and get their recommendations. I have never yet had to divert for a medical emergency (knock on wood). If that happens, I'm glad to know someone on the ground probably already knows of the best diversion station for the best and fastest care for our passenger.
Dispatch has even been known to supply sports scores on occasion (if and when time permits, of course) as well as news if deemed important enough, like the election of a U.S. president or something of general interest.
Without the support of flight dispatchers, the pilots would never have time to do all the research required for every flight. My guess is the average passenger probably has no idea that dispatchers even exist, but to pilots they are absolutely indispensable members of the team, along with mechanics, customer service reps, load planners, ramp workers and many other groups that are an airline's "unsung heroes." They're our "big brother" or "big sister" watching over us from the flight's planning stages until we're parked safely at the destination.
My thanks to the dispatchers at American, ExpressJet and (former) Trans World Airlines who gave me their support for what I hope is an accurate reflection of their vital function to the airlines. And, of course, my hat is off — both literally and figuratively — to dispatchers at my own airline who are always with us, day and night, 365 days a year as we transport passengers and cargo safely all over the world.
Meryl Getline is a captain for United Airlines and author of The World at My Feet. She also publishes her own Web site, fromthecockpit.com. All opinions expressed in this column are exclusively those of Capt. Meryl Getline. United Airlines neither contributes to nor endorses this column. If you have a question, send it to her at mailto:mtravel@usatoday.com, acknowledging she may use it in a future column.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ground Captain - by Wayne Phillips
Dispatch References
- FAR/AIM 2010: Federal Aviation Regulations / Aeronautical Informational Maunual
- FAR/FC 2010: Federal Aviation Regulations for Flight Crews
- Gleim's Airline Transport Pilot FAA Knowledge Test, 2010 Ed.
- Jeppesen Instrument/Commercial
- Jeppesen Private Pilot Manual
- Weather for Aircrews
About Me
- Salmaan
- Houston, TX, United States
- When I tell people I am into flight dispatch they usually have no clue as to what I am talking about so here are some articles explaining what exactly a flight dispatcher does and what its all about.